The following is a list of funding opportunities for teachers and students. The grant application period is open October 1 - October 31 each year and grants are awarded as funding allows.
Field Trip Assistance
Through funding provided by the Chester Foundation, students are provided funding to help offset the cost of student field trips.
Teacher Mini Grants
Teachers have written small grants to assist them with needs for their classrooms.
Student Scholarships
Through multiple sources of funding, seniors are given opportunities to apply for scholarships to attend college and technical schools after high school.
*Abby Brunson Scholarship
* SunFiber Scholarship
* Turner Scholarship
* Walker Scholarship
Backpack Food Program
Through multiple sources of funding, food is purchased and sent home with children who may not be able to afford food outside of school meals, in a back pack packed by special education students.
Teacher Cadet Program
Juniors and Seniors are given the opportunity to intern with teachers and experience the education system firsthand.
School-Level Grants
Many grants have been received to support specific school wide programs across the district i.e., Chester High Professional Development through Springs Close
District-Level Grants
Grants received have been used to serve district level programs in the areas of literacy and mentoring programs.
Lunch with Leaders
Each high school in the district is given grant money to support this program through events to learn about the community and job opportunities after high school.
A summer program for students which provides lunch and storytime, based at multiple churches around Chester County.